Alfred,Louis and Francois after 12 years of preparation were surprised to find a cafe at the top of mount Everest

Gouache on plywood 16x24 


Henry1 said…
Great work ,Matte I love this one !
3BestFriends said…
aah, this is fantastic!
mb_in_dc said…
I love that all the men smoke pipes! BTW, finally moved in to my new place - first thing to go on a wall? Dancing. It looks fantastic, I am so happy that I was able to get it.
Mariss said…
This is priceless. I love their expressions, sunglasses and pipes. Okay, all of it. However, how did they make it up that mountain with those pipes?! Kidding :)
matte stephens said…
Thank you everyone for the nice comments :) mb_in_dc , I'm so glad Dancing made it to you and that you are happy with it !:)
dc said…
I keep meaning to leave a comment and say how much I love your work, so I will!!
dc said…
I love your work, it's wowsress!! (that was my word verification word and it just sounded appropriate.)
matte stephens said…
Thank you! :)

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